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Colehill First School

School Council

Our School Council

We have a very active School Council at Colehill First School.

School Councillors are elected by their class peers once a year. There are three representatives from each year group from year 1 up to year 4 inclusive.

The School Council meet once per fortnight and their main purposes are:

  • to enable all children in the school to have a voice and to be listened to and taken seriously;

  • to improve all aspects of life at Colehill First School for all members of the school community;

  • to help children understand that good citizenship requires active participation from all members of the community. This is a lesson for life, not just for school


School Council Achievements

Over the past few years, the School Council has:

  • been part of the interview process for the recruitment of the new headteacher;

  • helped to lead assemblies about our school values;

  • organised a cake sale to raise funds for new playground equipment;

  • enhanced the playground by choosing new equipment for playtimes;

  • organised Christmas present boxes for children in need in the local area;

  • organised various collections for Wimborne food bank;

  • made numerous decisions about fund raising for a range of worthwhile causes in the UK and around the world

  • made cards and letters for elderly people in the local area;


School Council  2022-23

School Councillors:

Year 4: Freddy, Amelia and Monika;

Year 3: Jessica, Ollie and Eliza;

Year 2: Jessica, Matthew and Ronnie;

Year 1:  Riley, Ozzy and Chloe

Meetings of the School Council take place fortnightly.